
a letter to Burma

Dear all my Burmese friends

Thank you very much for your concern over the unprecedented disaster in Japan
as if it were yours.
The number of tourists have declined sharply at our hometown.
Financial problems become bigger and bigger recently.

I went to one of the devastated area Onagawa town in the end of May.
Our team served meals for about 200 evacuees two times.
The town of Onagawa lost 20percent of its population and
80percent of its houses were completely destroyed.
Now no business is on the run in Onagawa town.
Up to now, Onagawa town smells very badly and you can see 
flies everywhere in the town.
Onagawa is just like a ghost town and so weird.
Survivors including kids are trying their best to rebuild their lives now.

The situation of Japan and Burma are harsh and it's still take some more time
to get back to normal.
But I do believe that the day which the buds are out 
and many leaves grow thicker will come soon!

 25 Jun 2011                                              sincerely yours H H

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